Our Partner Shut Down. Here’s Why We’re Smiling.

By Katie Fogleman, December 11, 2015

Cambey Mikush

Typically, we’re pretty sad when our partners go out of business. But we were thrilled when the Meningitis Vaccine Project (MVP) announced its closing earlier this year.

Why? Because they met their mission of virtually eliminating meningitis A in the region of Africa formerly known as the Meningitis Belt. In just over a decade of existence, MVP—in collaboration with its partners—created a model for developing a vaccine to target a specific disease, and succeeded in making it effective and affordable.

MVP shuttering its doors meant that meningitis A—a horrible disease that inflicted suffering on millions—was under control for the first time in centuries! So at the announcement of their closure, we joined MVP and partners in celebrating.

We also helped MVP reflect on how strategic communications led to this tremendous victory for global health.

MVP published these reflections in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, with Burness’ Coimbra Sirica as a co-author. The article explains how an evidence-based communication strategy was developed and implemented to support program goals, and recounts some lessons learned along the way.

So if you’re wondering how to use communication to tackle global disease or move another important issue, take a look. Our hope is that it helps you achieve your mission—and maybe even go out of business.

*Bonus: For more context, watch our interview with Dr. Marc LaForce, Founding Director of MVP.

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