Global Health Posts
For the First Time Ever, A Malaria Vaccine: A Tribute to Our Partner

We congratulate our long-time partner, PATH, for the pivotal role the people there played in the development and introduction of the world’s first malaria vaccine.
Burness Proudly Supports Freedom of the Press

Freedom of the press is a bedrock principle of democracy. Our work shows why each of us must do our part to protect it.
Using the “Ick” Factor to Go Beyond It

Hook them with eye worms: How one story can draw people in and open them up to issues that matter.
A Little Help for Moms Everywhere

Being a new mom is hard. The Global Gag Rule makes it much harder.
Running Out of Cures

What would a post-antibiotic world look like? A cut from a rose thorn, a fall from a bicycle, or a scratch from a cat could all prove fatal.
Earth’s Superheroes

Guardians of the Galaxy aren't the only super group around. Meet six real-life heroes who toil to save our planet from destruction.
Malaria: Not In My Backyard? Think Again.

A new study shows the impact of malaria in the United States.
Americans May Gain Access to Cuba’s Groundbreaking Medicines

Due to the Obama administration’s recent actions, life-saving treatments developed in Cuba can now enter the normal regulatory process at the Food and Drug Administration, and, if approved, begin benefiting American patients.
Evening of Storytelling Features Leaders from the Developing World

Aspen New Voices Fellows recently gathered in Nairobi to share the personal stories behind their work in development.
Protecting the World from Killer Superbugs

The Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP) is calling for global targets on antibiotic use, similar to greenhouse-gas emissions agreements.