US Health Posts

A New Tool for Calculating the Value of Lead Prevention

A new tool released today will help policymakers and advocates across the U.S. calculate the cost of lead exposure and the economic benefits of three interventions.

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Mini Organs Blast Into Space to Improve Health on Earth

Mini 3-D models of the lung, kidney, blood-brain barrier and bone-cartilage were blasted into space, where they will undergo experiments that could help us understand osteoarthritis, infections, brain diseases, kidney malfunction and more.

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2019 County Health Rankings Shine Spotlight on Americans Burdened by Housing Costs

Recently, the 2019 County Health Rankings were released. The Rankings show that our health is influenced by many things—like a good job, a good education, and safe places to play. All of these factors are linked to where we live: our home. By highlighting the connection between health and housing, this year’s Rankings’ Key Findings Report showed that not everyone has the same opportunities to be healthy where they live. Across the U.S., more than 1 in 10 households are severely “housing cost burdened,” which means they spend more than half of their income on housing costs.

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Bright Spots Lighting Up the Nation

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize helps elevate communities that are making great strides in their journey toward better health. Here's what makes it special.

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Learning the Subway Was Easy. Finding a New Doctor Was a Different Story.

Everyone deserves a doctor who puts their needs first. But good doctors can be hard to find.

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It’s Time for Businesses to Step Up

Burness and other local businesses are fighting hunger in Montgomery County, Maryland. Join us.

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A Sobering Lens for What Should be a Joyous Time

This year’s County Health Rankings show that health gaps persist not only by place, but also by race and ethnicity. Birthweight is one example.

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A Generation of Social Activists

Across the country, teenagers are becoming catalysts for change.

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Using the “Ick” Factor to Go Beyond It

Hook them with eye worms: How one story can draw people in and open them up to issues that matter.

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A Pioneer in Integrative Health

Dr. Wayne Jonas believes that integrative health is the path to healing for people with chronic conditions. Now he’s on a mission to tell the world.

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