Health System Reform Posts

Will Congress see life as a pre-existing condition?

Cancer survivor and Burnesser Dan Klotz tells his healthcare story and explains what Obamacare means to him.

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A Health Care Bill Congress Can Agree On

A new law could illuminate a path for how two increasingly divergent and distracted political parties can promote meaningful innovation in health.

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Not So Fast? People Are Standing Up for Obamacare and Repeal May Be Slowing Down

The new administration's momentum around repealing the Affordable Care Act has slowed. Here's why that shouldn't surprise us.

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What Could the Future Hold for Health Reform?

In the weeks ahead many of us will likely yearn for the power to see into the future. A Commonwealth Fund report has some helpful predictions on health reform.

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“Let the Data Speak for Themselves” is Bad Advice

Professor David Williams, public health researcher at Harvard, frames the black-white life expectancy gap with a metaphor to help people understand the data.

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If Your Work Is Serious, It Doesn’t Mean Your Communications Has to Be

When the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) asked us to help explain their “value-based approach to drug pricing” in a video, we knew we’d have to get creative to make their work relatable.

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Death Rates for Middle-Aged White Americans Should Be Falling, So Why Aren’t They?

In the United States, we’ve grown to expect that as time goes on, people get healthier—life expectancy rises, fewer people die of preventable or treatable conditions, and so on. But a recent report from the Commonwealth Fund found that this is no longer the case for middle-aged white people—and the reason might surprise you.

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Our Creative Portfolio

Videos, graphics, gifs, Twitter, blog posts, websites – these days, there are so many ways to communicate beyond traditional media, and Burness does ‘em all. To showcase some of our recent creative work, we’ve put together a new creative portfolio.

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Nurses on the Frontlines of Care and Innovation

If you’ve ever been a patient in a hospital or visited someone who was, you probably remember the nurse. Why? Because that nurse was there at the bedside day in and day out, making sure you or your loved one was comfortable and being taken care of.

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Your Cat Has Easier Access to Medical Records than You

Putting the patient at the center of his or her own care is becoming a reality as our health care delivery goes through major transitions. This is good news, but cats and dogs have had it this good long before us humans. Why is this?

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