Messages and Messengers Come in All Packages

November 4, 2013


There are all kinds of ways to get an important message across, but is anyone really listening? If you’ve got the right messenger and setting, they’re more likely to.

For example, see this new video that’s aimed at parents who take their kids in to the doctor’s office for shots. It provides essential and proven tips every parent should know to ease the experience for their child. A doctor, nurse or scientist could very well have shared the same advice. But don’t you pay closer attention to the message because a bright-eyed toddler is giving it—subtitles notwithstanding? After all, who speaks better to a parent—the primary audience here—than a child?

And what about the format itself? Video used to inform isn’t a new idea. But add components that make the video fun and accessible, and you stand a better chance of being remembered.

It’s worth asking yourself: What voice(s) will resonate most with my target audience and what’s the best way to get my message to them?

P.S. Please share the video with your friends and colleagues!

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