Making Health Policy Pop: An Example from the News

By Nick Seaver, June 28, 2011

Gary Schwitzer, at Health News Review, points us to a Fox News report in Minneapolis on new information from the Dartmouth Atlas Project which describes variations in medical care from one city to the next. The story is ultimately about shared decision making—a model of care that informs and includes patients in decisions about their care. The takeaway message is clear: by informing patients, we can avoid wide variations in care and ensure that the best choices are made regardless of financial incentives that may exist for the doctor.

The news segment is clear, visual, and engaging—something rarely seen in such a policy-focused story. Even before the patient story, there is a great analogy (to eating at a restaurant) that makes clear the fundamental issue in this story. Watch the piece below and think about how you can use examples, analogies, and visuals to explain your work and liven up a presentation.

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