Live from the Federal Reserve: Healthy Communities Conference

July 13, 2010

Today at the Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C., a unique event is in progress: leaders from the health, finance and community development sectors are coming together to discuss how their collaboration could help build healthier communities.

Hosted by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (a Burness client), it’s an event that starts from a premise that we’ve been working with nonprofits to communicate for years: that where we live, learn work and play can have a tremendous effect on our health, and that if we want to make Americans healthier, we’ve got to look beyond health care to the social factors that affect health—from education, to transportation, to community design and beyond.

We’ll be following the event during the day via the live streaming video and Twitter coverage at#fedhealth. I hope you’ll join us there!

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