US Health Posts

County Health Rankings Are in the House

We were thrilled when Representative Tom Emmer (R-MN) took to the House Floor to celebrate Carver County for being named Minnesota's healthiest county in this year's County Health Rankings.

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Meet Nine People About to Change the World

Meet the 2016 Karel Fellows! These outstanding students are committed to creating positive change in the world and will spend a summer interning with some of DC's best nonprofits.

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If Your Work Is Serious, It Doesn’t Mean Your Communications Has to Be

When the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) asked us to help explain their “value-based approach to drug pricing” in a video, we knew we’d have to get creative to make their work relatable.

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Being Black Is Bad for Your Health

There is a mountain of evidence that being Black or Latino in the U.S. can have adverse affects on one’s health, due, in part, to structural racism. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation President Risa Lavizzo-Mourey and Harvard Professor David Williams made this point in a recent op-ed.

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Mice Engineered to Fight Zika

Until recently there’s been little interest in or funding available to study Zika virus. Within this data vacuum, researchers have been racing to come up with ways to prevent and treat the disease. And they’re making progress—with a little help from mice.

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How Can Pediatricians Help Fight Childhood Poverty?

For the one in five children who are poor in America, the stress of poverty is a daily reality. And it affects kids’ brains and bodies. That’s why the American Academy of Pediatrics is recommending that pediatricians screen all children for poverty risk factors.

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2016 County Health Rankings Spotlight Rural Health Concerns and More

Where you live matters to your health, and the 2016 County Health Rankings put a spotlight on the fact that not everyone has the same opportunity to be healthy.

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Here’s Why Our Relationship with Cuba Matters

The fruits of Cuba’s biotechnology industry remain off-limits to Americans, and vice versa. We need improved cooperation in health so that life-saving innovations in each country are made available to the other.

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Taking a Stand For Oral Health In Indian Country

“What this really looks like is a 3-year old with all of their teeth decayed down to the gum line.” That’s Terry Batliner, a dentist, and member of the Cherokee Nation, describing the state of oral health care in Indian Country to Marketplace’s Dan Gorenstein. Read on for the whole story.

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Getting Smart about Medical Research

A landmark study of Parkinson's disease was just released. Researchers tracked the disease's progression in 9,500 patients—without ever seeing a single one of them in person.

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