US Health Posts

What Could the Future Hold for Health Reform?

In the weeks ahead many of us will likely yearn for the power to see into the future. A Commonwealth Fund report has some helpful predictions on health reform.

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Protecting the World from Killer Superbugs

The Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP) is calling for global targets on antibiotic use, similar to greenhouse-gas emissions agreements.

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Seven Communities Take on Timely Challenges in Health

Meet the winners of the 2016 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize!

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“Let the Data Speak for Themselves” is Bad Advice

Professor David Williams, public health researcher at Harvard, frames the black-white life expectancy gap with a metaphor to help people understand the data.

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Can Teamwork Make a Dream Work in Montgomery County?

Montgomery County is home to 88,000 people who are food insecure, which means they don't know when or how they'll get their next meal. A new bill—supported by Burness—aims to change that.

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If You Care About Children’s Health, We’ve Got Good News

From Colorado to Cherokee County, South Carolina, several places have seen declining childhood obesity rates. Each community has a unique story. But there are some common themes.

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#ZombieDilemma: Humor Can Backfire in a Public Health Campaign

Humor has been used for years in public health communication campaigns. These campaigns might garner attention, but how effective are they at driving behavior change?

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Want to Solve Appalachia’s Problems? Listen to Those Who Live There.

The best ideas to close health gaps in Appalachia come from those who live in the region. We attended the SOAR Innovation Summit in Pikesville, Kentucky, where lots of these local solutions were on display.

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A “Down Payment” to Save Lives

A new report warns that political inaction in Washington could leave the world unprepared and unprotected against emerging health problems like Zika or antimicrobial resistance.

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Listen First! Lessons for Communicators from a Street Doctor

“We’ve been doing this work for 15 years without a doctor, thank you very much.” Dr. Jim O'Connell has had some humbling moments. In this post, we outline three lessons we learned from Jim during our 30th anniversary retreat in New Orleans.

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