Social Media Posts
Big Facts Cut Through the Climate Change Clutter
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS), a Burness client, launched in Doha a set of 30 definitive facts that negotiators can rely on to understand the link between climate change and agriculture—a hot topic at the negotiations this year.
Living, Working, Learning, Healing… Serving Together
The Mental Health Association of Montgomery County (a Burness client) launched the Serving Together website. The website is the first online home in the county coordinating local resources for service members, veterans and their families to help them stay healthy, find local jobs and transition to civilian life.
How Healthy Is Your County?
The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (a Burness client) released the 2012 County Health Rankings. The Rankings highlight the healthiest and least healthy counties in every state, as well as those factors that influence health outside of the doctor’s office
Junk Food Is Widely Available in U.S. Schools—but New Standards Are Coming Soon
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced healthier new standards for school meals. Soon, students will find more fruits, vegetables and whole grains on their cafeteria trays, and these meals will be subject to stricter limits on calories and salt.
Live from SXSW Interactive 2012
SXSW is the model for a social event, and the main challenge is sorting through the clutter. We’ll be sorting through this data deluge and covering the best of social good tech speakers, panels and discussions in a few key places.
Making (Seismic) Waves with Social Media
Remember what a powerful medium social media is for promoting your work far and wide… and sometimes fast.
Documenting the Road to Recovery Using New Media
Dr. Elliot Krane, of the Lucille Packard Children's Hospital and Stanford University Medical School and a Mayday Pain & Society Fellow, has a goal to end children’s suffering from chronic pain. One of the biggest barriers to better care for kids in his pain clinic is the lack of coverage for the treatments that will make them well.
Announcing BurnessDigital
BurnessDigital is new, but we’ve been crafting online strategy for several years: we have told the stories of exceptional nonprofits in videos, brought attention to their ideas with social media campaigns and dynamic websites, and worked to “move the needle” by crafting online strategies that advance their communications goals. This launch is the next step in the evolution of our communications approach.
Live from the Federal Reserve: Healthy Communities Conference
Today at the Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C., a unique event is in progress: leaders from the health, finance and community development sectors are coming together to discuss how their collaboration could help build healthier communities.
Why Tweet? Because Blattman Says So
The concept of going somewhere online that you otherwise would not is exactly what I like about social media. We don’t have time to scour the internet, so why not rely on other people who have similar interests to direct us to interesting news we would otherwise miss. Plus, tweeting is a great exercise in communicating in soundbites—you can’t tell the whole story, you just need to make me want to know more.