Social Media Posts
Common Enemy, Malaria, Brings Myanmar Together
A common foe led to an extraordinary summit this week in Washington, D.C. An array of high-ranking Myanmar government officials and ethnic minority and opposition groups from the Southeast Asian nation, who have been locked in violent conflict for nearly six decades, put aside their differences momentarily to join forces against a mutual enemy carried by a tiny mosquito: Malaria.
Children’s Health Care Spending Driven by Rising Costs
With child visits to the emergency room declining and the overall use of prescription drugs by children at its lowest in years, it only makes sense that spending on health care for kids would be down. Right? Not quite.
Online Tool Aims to Bring Bounty Harvest in Kenya
If you are a farmer living in Embu County, Kenya, how do you know which seed to plant? Maybe you decide based on what your neighbors plant or what you’ve always planted. But over the last 10 years, plant breeders in Kenya have likely developed new varieties of seeds with specific traits that could thrive on your farm and give you higher yields.
School Is Out For Summer
Across the country, kids (and parents!) are celebrating the end of the school year. But should it be a break from learning? No. The so-called "summer slide" is real. Students typically lose two to three months in reading achievement and two months of math skills during the summer.
Agriculture and the Africa Rising Narrative
Africa is the next frontier of the global economy. Several African countries boast some of the fastest growth rates in the world. Four of the world’s top 10 fastest growing economies in 2015 and 2016 are forecasted to be in Africa. And yet, the sector that employs as much as 60 percent of Africa’s labor force only accounts for 25 percent of the gross domestic product. Why the disconnect?
Is Summer a Bummer for Kids’ Health?
It’s June, and that means school is letting out for millions of kids – but according to a new brief from Active Living Research, those of us who associate summer vacation with healthy activities are out of touch with the reality of summer break for today’s children. Recent research shows that children gain up to three times as much weight during summer break as they do during the entire school year.
What Makes a Working City?
Up on the high hills of Potrero, California, you can see sweeping views of the Bay and the city. It’s a view shared by two very different worlds. One half of the hill is dotted with multimillion dollar homes—the other half of the hill makes up Potrero Terrace & Annex, a low-income housing complex. These kinds of disparities occur all over the country—from Miami to Chicago, from Brooklyn to Washington D.C.
Rising Health Spending for Diabetes Patients
More than 29 million Americans, or 9.3 percent of the U.S. population, had diabetes in 2014. While diabetes has been widely recognized as a growing public health challenge in the U.S., a new report from the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) shows that it also has a substantial financial impact.
Short Distances to Large Gaps in Health
The Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Center on Society and Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) released four new maps illustrating how large gaps in health can exist in very short distances.
Expanding the Pipeline of Skilled Workers
The White House hosted a summit focused on the need to “upskill” America’s workforce. More than 100 leading employers, who employ five million workers, made commitments to "upskill" their workers by expanding access to apprenticeships and on-the-job training in partnership with thirty national and local labor unions and non-profit groups.