Posts by Katie Fogleman

A Little Help for Moms Everywhere

Being a new mom is hard. The Global Gag Rule makes it much harder.

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What I Learned from a Trump-Supporting Clean Energy Advocate

To make progress on most of our causes ,  we need the support of people who don’t identify as progressives. But how do we win them over?

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Introducing the Jargon Jar

The Burness blog team recently unveiled the jargon jar, a new initiative to help us use better words. Here's how it works.

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Want to Solve Appalachia’s Problems? Listen to Those Who Live There.

The best ideas to close health gaps in Appalachia come from those who live in the region. We attended the SOAR Innovation Summit in Pikesville, Kentucky, where lots of these local solutions were on display.

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Listen First! Lessons for Communicators from a Street Doctor

“We’ve been doing this work for 15 years without a doctor, thank you very much.” Dr. Jim O'Connell has had some humbling moments. In this post, we outline three lessons we learned from Jim during our 30th anniversary retreat in New Orleans.

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Grown-Ups Spell for Good

Burness competed in a grown-up spelling bee to raise money for the Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy. It was awesome. Here are the highlights.

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If Your Work Is Serious, It Doesn’t Mean Your Communications Has to Be

When the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) asked us to help explain their “value-based approach to drug pricing” in a video, we knew we’d have to get creative to make their work relatable.

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From Homelessness to Home

Mr. Ford is an army veteran who, after being homeless for more than a decade, recently moved into his first apartment. We worked with the Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network to help tell his story.

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US Aid for Peace in Colombia Sounds Like a Good Idea, But Here’s What’s Missing

President Obama announced that he would ask for $450 million in aid to help Colombia end "half a century of wrenching conflict" and usher in a peaceful era. This sounds like good news, but notably absent from the commitment was any mention of those hardest hit by the country's 50-year war.

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WARNING: That Drink Contributes to Type 2 Diabetes

Do warning labels on sugary drinks (e.g., soda, energy drinks, and fruit drinks like Capri Sun and SunnyD) deter parents from buying them for their kids? Researchers have been investigating that question, and the results are in.

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