Posts by Katie Fogleman

Spotlight on a Local Partner: Edu-Futuro

Though our work takes us around the world, some of our favorite projects are a lot closer to home—in our own backyard, in fact. Educación Para Nuestro Futuro (Edu-Futuro), based in Arlington, VA, is a perfect example. Read on to learn about their work.

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How Prepared Is Your State for an Outbreak?

According to a leading voice in public health, the answer to that question is “not as prepared as it should be,” no matter where you live. And some states are significantly less prepared than others.

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Our Creative Portfolio

Videos, graphics, gifs, Twitter, blog posts, websites – these days, there are so many ways to communicate beyond traditional media, and Burness does ‘em all. To showcase some of our recent creative work, we’ve put together a new creative portfolio.

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Does Money Stress You Out? You’re Not Alone.

Finances are a struggle for Americans – and not just the poor. In fact, more than half of Americans — 57 percent — are considered financially unhealthy. Our partners at the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) are working to change that.

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What Happens When Cartoonists Get Serious

Kenyan cartoonists are getting serious about putting an end to land grabs. Read on to learn (and see!) how they're doing it.

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Our Partner Shut Down. Here’s Why We’re Smiling.

Typically, we’re pretty sad when our partners go out of business. But we were thrilled when the Meningitis Vaccine Project (MVP) announced its closing earlier this year. Why? Read on.

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Cuban innovations could save American lives. So why can’t we use them?

Our decades-long isolation from Cuba means Americans are missing out on Cuban innovations that could improve health and save lives in our own country, and vice versa.

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Want a Healthy Hometown? Move Here.

Cities around the US are catching on to the fact that health is shaped by more than just what happens in the doctor’s office. So to make sure that their citizens have opportunities to be healthy in every way, they’re doing some innovative things. If you want a hometown devoted to health in its broadest, most holistic sense, check out the eight Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize winners from 2015.

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