Global Health Posts

Speed Panels Can Work: Five Lessons for Panel Planners

Want to keep your audience engaged during a panel? Here are some tips.

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A Living Reminder: Planning a Maternal Health Event While Pregnant

Marianna Sachse helped plan a maternal health event while pregnant. Here's what she learned.

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A “Down Payment” to Save Lives

A new report warns that political inaction in Washington could leave the world unprepared and unprotected against emerging health problems like Zika or antimicrobial resistance.

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Three Years, One Week, and One Day

The four months I spent receiving chemotherapy for lymphoma pale in comparison to what Uvistra Naidoo experienced. Uvi contracted a severe form of drug-resistant tuberculosis and needed more than three years to recover.

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An Africa Without Meningitis A?

Five years after the introduction of an affordable meningitis A vaccine in sub-Saharan Africa, mass immunization campaigns have led to the control and near elimination of the deadly disease in the region formerly known as the “meningitis belt.”

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Mice Engineered to Fight Zika

Until recently there’s been little interest in or funding available to study Zika virus. Within this data vacuum, researchers have been racing to come up with ways to prevent and treat the disease. And they’re making progress—with a little help from mice.

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Our Creative Portfolio

Videos, graphics, gifs, Twitter, blog posts, websites – these days, there are so many ways to communicate beyond traditional media, and Burness does ‘em all. To showcase some of our recent creative work, we’ve put together a new creative portfolio.

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Our Partner Shut Down. Here’s Why We’re Smiling.

Typically, we’re pretty sad when our partners go out of business. But we were thrilled when the Meningitis Vaccine Project (MVP) announced its closing earlier this year. Why? Read on.

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Cuban innovations could save American lives. So why can’t we use them?

Our decades-long isolation from Cuba means Americans are missing out on Cuban innovations that could improve health and save lives in our own country, and vice versa.

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We’re Coming for You, Tuberculosis

Our partners at TB Alliance just announced the world’s first availability of TB medicines for children. They’re fruit-flavored (yum!) and easily dissolved in water. Read more and sign the petition asking world leaders to adopt these treatments to end childhood TB once and for all.

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