Health System Reform Posts
Data for Data’s Sake: Worthless
Researchers are valuable. Their years of painstaking and precise research bring us data about important things that affect and sometimes change our lives. But without the scientist’s voice and interpretation, data is meaningless.
A Model for Medical Education and Care Management Expands

This lack of access to specialty care prompted Dr. Arora to create Project ECHO, a collaborative model of lifelong medical education and care management that connects specialists at academic medical centers with primary care clinicians in underserved communities to treat patients with complex, common conditions.
Changing the Way Doctors Are Paid

According to a report from the National Commission on Physician Payment Reform, a Burness client, changing the way doctors get paid is the first step to fixing our health care system. The report details 12 sweeping recommendations aimed at reining in health spending and improving quality of care.
The Year of OpenNotes

Have you ever wondered what your doctor is writing down about you during your visit? What do you think would happen if doctors shared visit notes with their patients?
Andy’s Aspen Adventure: The Live Blog

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act, two prominent journalists (Joe Klein and David Brooks) joined with two prominent former politicians (Republican Vin Weber and Democrat Tom Daschle) to give their respective takes. My three takeaways: (1) they agree on a lot, far more than their disagreements; (2) there was general agreement on the wisdom of the decision; and (3) the discussion had none of the vitriol and venom that has characterized every exchange I’ve seen between Democrats and Republicans since the President’s bill was first introduced.
Accessing Health Care as a Young Adult
More young adults have insurance coverage now than before the health care overhaul took effect--3.1 million more, according to a report by the Department of Health and Human Services showing that the proportion of insured adults ages 19 through 25 has increased to nearly 75 percent. That’s in large part thanks to the Affordable Care Act, which requires insurers to allow young adults to remain on their parents’ family plans until they turn 26.
Words Imitating Art

An animated video by the Center for American Progress shows the impact of of short animated videos to explain complex topics like the Affordable Care Act.
Patients Want Easier Access to Their Doctors’ Notes

Would easier access to doctors’ notes improve patient health? 1 in 5 respondents to a survey in this month’s Annals of Internal Medicine said easier access would likely provoke them to take better care of themselves.
Announcing BurnessDigital
BurnessDigital is new, but we’ve been crafting online strategy for several years: we have told the stories of exceptional nonprofits in videos, brought attention to their ideas with social media campaigns and dynamic websites, and worked to “move the needle” by crafting online strategies that advance their communications goals. This launch is the next step in the evolution of our communications approach.
Nonprofit Insurance Giant Hoards Millions in Surplus Cash
Health insurance costs continue to rise, hitting consumers with high premiums and co-pays despite the downturn in the economy. Adding insult to injury, a new report from Consumers Union (a Burness client) has found that over the past decade, nonprofit Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) health insurers accumulated vast amounts of surplus cash.