Graphic Design Posts

We Need More Science for Breakfast

Do you know how much science went into that bacon strip on your breakfast plate? This month saw the launch of FedByScience, a coalition of 16 universities telling stories of success in solving problems in farming and food production.

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Creative Work Round-up

The Burness Creative team has had a busy first half of 2017. Here’s a highlight reel of our work so far this year.

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Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Swaying

One of the biggest challenges for patients with Mal de Débarquement Syndrome (MdDS) is that many physicians have never heard of it. Our partner, the MdDS Foundation, is working to change that.

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Burgers, Beer, and Social Change: A Journey to Designing for Good

Burness art director Kara Basabe tells the story of her transition from marketing burgers and beer to selling social change.

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Harnessing the Power of Caterpillar Saliva

Innovations in agriculture—which have the potential to benefit millions of Americans, our economy and the environment—are under threat.

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“Designers for Good” Features Shannon Ryan

Why does design matter for social change? Burnesser Shannon Ryan answers this question and more in AIGA Baltimore’s "Designers for Good" interview series.

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Web Design Trends We’re Pumped About

Websites are at the center of digital communication, so it's important to make sure yours is up to par. In this post, Burness senior designer Charlie Church explains some of the recent trends we’ve seen in web design. We're pumped about them, and we hope you are, too!

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A “Grandparent-Approved” PSA

To convince older audiences to get the shingles vaccine, our partners at the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases knew they would need to create something that would grab grandparents’ attention.

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Our Creative Portfolio

Videos, graphics, gifs, Twitter, blog posts, websites – these days, there are so many ways to communicate beyond traditional media, and Burness does ‘em all. To showcase some of our recent creative work, we’ve put together a new creative portfolio.

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What Happens When Cartoonists Get Serious

Kenyan cartoonists are getting serious about putting an end to land grabs. Read on to learn (and see!) how they're doing it.

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