Graphic Design Posts

Big Facts Cut Through the Climate Change Clutter

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS), a Burness client, launched in Doha a set of 30 definitive facts that negotiators can rely on to understand the link between climate change and agriculture—a hot topic at the negotiations this year.

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Nice Save: The Unexpected Benefits of Federally-Funded Health Research

One of the overlooked stories in biomedical research is the story of unintended consequences. Or, more accurately, the story of unintended benefits. That’s the story that we wanted to tell through the new advertising campaign designed by Burness Communications for Research!America.

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New Trove of Data Sheds Light on High Health Care Spending in the U.S.

The United States spends far more than any other nation on health care, but that does not translate to better health. As policymakers devise ways to spend our health care dollars more effectively, a new report by the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI, a Burness Communications client) brings us one step closer to understanding what is driving health care spending growth and how to control for it.

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How Healthy Is Your County?

The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (a Burness client) released the 2012 County Health Rankings. The Rankings highlight the healthiest and least healthy counties in every state, as well as those factors that influence health outside of the doctor’s office

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Map Aims to Help Health Officials Take a Bite Out of Lyme Disease

After sizing up more than 5000 ticks, researchers have created a detailed map of the Eastern United States pinpointing where humans are at highest risk of contracting the disease.

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Announcing BurnessDigital

BurnessDigital is new, but we’ve been crafting online strategy for several years: we have told the stories of exceptional nonprofits in videos, brought attention to their ideas with social media campaigns and dynamic websites, and worked to “move the needle” by crafting online strategies that advance their communications goals. This launch is the next step in the evolution of our communications approach.

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Confronting the Dental Health Crisis

It’s an unfortunate reality: many Americans see oral health as unnecessary or cosmetic. But oral health is critical to overall health. Though largely ignored in national health reform, oral health is important, and for some—like 12-year old Deamonte Driver who died from an untreated tooth infection—it’s a matter of life and death.

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