
Public Health

The public health field is shaping the future health landscape of America. By helping to turn back the threat of disease outbreaks, protecting our water and food supply, tackling smoking and obesity rates, and making health improvement happen in communities across the country, public health professionals are heroes. But not everyone understands what they do.

That’s where we come in. Burness is improving the public’s understanding of the work done by local and state health departments, public health researchers and organizations working on the front lines of community health.

For example, we have provided comprehensive communications support to the National Association of County and City Health Officials; helped the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials highlight exemplary programs from states across the country; collaborated with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Trust for America’s Health on the production and release of annual reports examining state-by-state obesity rates and emergency preparedness; launched the Every Week Matters campaign to help prevent preterm birth in Ohio; and partnered with the University of Illinois at Chicago to promote groundbreaking studies around tobacco use and obesity.