Sara Brinda

Associate, Public Health

Sara has been a Communications Coordinator for the Burness Public Health team since March of 2010. Most of her work centers on the childhood obesity prevention efforts of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, but she also assists with other public health projects, including the County Health Rankings, a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Sara provides communications support through media and stakeholder outreach, research, writing, editing, news monitoring and list development. Prior to joining Burness, Sara held a research fellowship at the National Institutes of Health, studying mechanisms of DNA maintenance in fruit flies at the National Cancer Institute. She has also worked as a communications intern at the Genetics and Public Policy Center. A relative newcomer to the D.C. area, Sara grew up in Minnesota and attended Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, where she graduated with high honors in biology and a minor in Chinese.