Global Work

Advocating for Malaria Control and Eradication

Work with the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative

Advancing Global Health Through Scientific Research

Work with the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

In Wake of Leaders’ Murders, Fighting for Land Title—and Justice—for Indigenous Ashéninka in Peru

Work with the Ford Foundation

Reducing the Vulnerability of Our Global Food Supply

Work with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Protecting African Herders from Harsh Weather

Work with the International Livestock Research Institute

Introducing Journalists to World’s Forest Guardians

Work with the World Resources Institute and the Rights and Resources Initiative

Helping Cities Around the World Ride the Bike Share Boom

Work with the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy

Pushing for Change in Canadian Mining Practices in Central America

Work with the Ford Foundation

Generating Support for Land Rights on Behalf of Indigenous Peoples

Work with the Rights and Resources Initiative

Raising Profile of Forests: Climate Summit 2014