Opportunity: “NY Times’ Scientists at Work”

By Carol Schadelbauer, May 17, 2010

One thing about the transformed world of news and information that is quite different from the past: you now have more opportunity than ever to get your story out. This is good news, and all it takes is a brief blog post—ideally with some photos or video. Check this out: The New York Times has started a blog, Scientists at Work allowing you to report about your own research in the field.

They describe it this way:

“This blog is the modern version of a field journal, a place for reports on the daily progress of scientific expeditions—adventures, misadventures, discoveries. As with the expeditions themselves, you never know what you will find.”

This type of writing shows the public what science is all about. It sheds light on the mystery of science, and takes the scientist out of the proverbial “ivory tower.” And as you know, the more the public understands and appreciates science, the more champions we’ll have to support research funding and the future generations of scientists. Take advantage of this opportunity!

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