Medium for Nonprofits, Explained

By Alex Field, November 25, 2015

By now you’ve heard of Medium. Maybe you read how Melinda Gates stays impatiently optimistic, met the bad-ass scientists who also happen to be women, or couldn’t resist a click on “7 things I did to reboot my life.

You may have even created an account after seeing another nonprofit’s story on Twitter. And when dipping in from an email digest, maybe you noticed the big-format, window-like photos and surprisingly high-quality writing that seems to be the norm. Me, I’ll never forget how a practical and compelling story convinced me to write my representatives about gun control for the first time.

I’ve been using Medium personally and I’m blown away by the inspiring ideas that are shared each day — in stark contrast to the no-brain share-drivel that occupies our feeds. I’ve also helped my nonprofit clients use Medium effectively over the last couple years, so I wanted to share some guidance if you’re thinking about jumping in. Because I believe that now, more than ever, is the right moment to get started. …

Intrigued? Read Alex’s full post on Medium

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