Connecting Veterans With Resources
Work with the Mental Health Association of Montgomery County
We have worked with the Mental Health Association of Montgomery County’s Serving Together project for the last four years. Our shared mission is to create an attractive and simple way for local veterans to find services and organizations to provide them with the care they need and deserve.
In 2015, the project expanded from its Montgomery County roots to cover a large portion of the DC-region. Together, we saw the opportunity to revisit and restructure the website to grow with them as the project expands. We rethought everything on the site and made large changes to the information architecture and design to focus on making the site flexible for future growth. We rebuilt the site on WordPress with a custom responsive theme, a robust, searchable Service Directory, and a series of guides to help users find exactly what they need. The result: a beautiful online home for an effective local organization that serves thousands of DC-area veterans every month.