Keeping Shingles from Interfering With the Lives of People over 60
Shingles strikes nearly one in three adults in the US each year. It can affect anyone who has had the chickenpox at any time, however, it is more severe in people aged 60 years and older. The disease is painful and potentially long-lasting, but there is a safe and effective vaccine to prevent it. Unfortunately, only about 24 percent of eligible adults receive the vaccine. The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) wanted to change that, and called on us for help.
With a goal of raising visibility about the disease and how to prevent it among men and women 60 years, we developed an online campaign targeting women and men over 60—those eligible for the vaccine. The campaign was centered around an animated PSA that told the story of how debilitating shingles can be, the effect it has on everyday life, and provided information about eligibility for the one-time vaccine. We worked with the talented animator and video director Anne Calandre to develop this PSA. To support that video, we created a series of graphics and an online quiz to assess eligibility for the vaccine. Through paid promotions of the video and graphics along with organic exposure, we were able to reach nearly half a million people online.