Americans May Gain Access to Cuba’s Groundbreaking Medicines

Due to the Obama administration’s recent actions, life-saving treatments developed in Cuba can now enter the normal regulatory process at the Food and Drug Administration, and, if approved, begin benefiting American patients.

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For a Boost to Your Health, Vote on Election Day!

Research shows that voting is good for your health.

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QUIZ: First Quadrennial Burness Presidential Election Trivia Contest

The moment you weren't waiting for has arrived! That's right, it's time for the First Quadrennial Burness Presidential Election Trivia Contest (or as we call it around the hallways at Burness, the FQBPETC).

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#HurricaneMatthew is Now Live

Native Floridian Jacki De Bonis has lived through several hurricanes. Here she reflects on how Facebook Live transformed the experience during Hurricane Matthew.

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Alchemy: Research Turns Into Policy

The Cash and Counseling program has offered millions of low-income Americans the option to direct their own care in the face of chronic and debilitating illness. In an academic paper, Andy Burness and colleagues explain how communications was critical to this major policy victory.

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Introducing Burness 30 for 30

To celebrate Burness' 30th anniversary, we're committing to raising $30,000 for a new computer lab for the the African Education Project, a Zambia-based non-profit founded and led by a former Burnesser.

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A Forest Hero is Fêted in a Concrete Jungle

Paul Pavol, from the forested island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea, flew 9,000 miles to accept the fifth Alexander Soros Foundation Award for Environmental and Human Rights Activism.

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Evening of Storytelling Features Leaders from the Developing World

Aspen New Voices Fellows recently gathered in Nairobi to share the personal stories behind their work in development.

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What Could the Future Hold for Health Reform?

In the weeks ahead many of us will likely yearn for the power to see into the future. A Commonwealth Fund report has some helpful predictions on health reform.

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Protecting the World from Killer Superbugs

The Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP) is calling for global targets on antibiotic use, similar to greenhouse-gas emissions agreements.

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