Venomous Snakebites: A Neglected Tropical Disease

At the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), a symposium on snakebites revealed that getting bitten by a snake is a far greater problem than people have been led to believe.

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Safe Farming: No More Praying for Rain

Traditional crop insurance relies on farm visits, a proposition which doesn’t add up for small farmers. Kilimo Salama uses creative, low-cost methods, such as weather stations and mobile money transfers, to remotely determine whether weather conditions justify a payout for farmers.

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Sugary Drinks’ Not-So-Sweet Effect on Kids & Teens

The Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity's Sugary Drink FACTS report recommends that beverage companies develop and market child-friendly products with less added sugar; make ingredient information more easily accessible; stop targeting teens with marketing for sugary drinks or caffeinated products; and remove nutrition-related claims from high-sugar products.

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Honoring Our Veterans with Better Skilled Nursing Homes

The Green House ® Project, a grantee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is focused on reinventing the nursing home experience for older Americans and is taking steps to improve the lives of those who have served our country.

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Insurance Payouts Help Herders Rebuild After Massive Livestock Losses

Around 650 herders in Northern Kenya signed up for insurance policies to protect them and their livestock investments from drought losses. At a time when global attention for the worst drought in half a century has waned, nearly all were compensated.

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The Daily Show Asks, What’s Science Up To?

The reality is many scientists are concerned about being a political talking point or a pawn in a larger cultural or political debate. The tragic outcome is that too many scientists use this as a reason to avoid engaging all together.

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Memorable Messaging Matters…Ask the NIH

If the NIH can reduce years and years of amazing research into a few bullet points, you can do the same for your work, or your organization’s efforts.

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Spotlight on Community College Excellence

Four-year universities have long dominated the higher education conversation, but now community colleges—critical to helping Americans gain skills needed in difficult economic times—are finally receiving recognition too. The Aspen Institute’s College Excellence Program (a Burness client) recently released its 10 … Continue reading Spotlight on Community College Excellence

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Dental Checkup on Northern Virginia: It’s Not All Smiles

Northern Virginia is one of the wealthiest regions of the country, but it’s not all smiles along the Potomac. A significant portion of Northern Virginians have difficulty accessing needed dental care.

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Show Me the Infographics: Making Data Digestible

The infographic business is booming and that’s a good thing. At least for those of us who want to understand multifaceted issues such as the science process of stem cells or the complexities of health care policy.

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