A Call for More (Strange) Bedfellows

Two politicians—one very progressive and the other very conservative—joined forces, and took their advocacy on the road, all over the country. Their message was simple: we may agree on very little, but we agree on the need for opportunity for all our children, and there’s no opportunity for anything if your child is sick or living with an untreated chronic condition.

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Andy’s Aspen Adventure: The Live Blog

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act, two prominent journalists (Joe Klein and David Brooks) joined with two prominent former politicians (Republican Vin Weber and Democrat Tom Daschle) to give their respective takes. My three takeaways: (1) they agree on a lot, far more than their disagreements; (2) there was general agreement on the wisdom of the decision; and (3) the discussion had none of the vitriol and venom that has characterized every exchange I’ve seen between Democrats and Republicans since the President’s bill was first introduced.

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10 ‘Big Ideas’ from Day One of the Aspen Ideas Festival

One of the great perks of working at Burness is the range of topics we encounter– from fighting the scourge of neglected diseases around the world and improving the health care system at home to improving our nation’s community colleges. Experts from a number of different fields came together in the mountains of Colorado at the Aspen Ideas Festival– many whose work relates to the organizations we support--and discussed some thought-provoking ideas for us to ponder.

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Accessing Health Care as a Young Adult

More young adults have insurance coverage now than before the health care overhaul took effect--3.1 million more, according to a report by the Department of Health and Human Services showing that the proportion of insured adults ages 19 through 25 has increased to nearly 75 percent. That’s in large part thanks to the Affordable Care Act, which requires insurers to allow young adults to remain on their parents’ family plans until they turn 26.

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New Trove of Data Sheds Light on High Health Care Spending in the U.S.

The United States spends far more than any other nation on health care, but that does not translate to better health. As policymakers devise ways to spend our health care dollars more effectively, a new report by the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI, a Burness Communications client) brings us one step closer to understanding what is driving health care spending growth and how to control for it.

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10 Tips for Successful Malaria Vaccine Advocacy

A group of senior malaria vaccine researchers from all over Africa recently collaborated with the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative and Burness Communications to publish a guide of best practices called “10 tips for successful malaria vaccine advocacy.” Helping these scientists get their message from the lab to Parliament could mean the difference between a child dying from a preventable disease and a child receiving a vaccine that could save her life.

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New Report Supports Use of Dental Therapists in U.S.

Nearly 50 million people in the United States can’t get dental care where or when they need it. As community, tribal, state and national leaders debate how best to solve the nation’s intensifying oral health care crisis, a recent research review, entitled A Review of the Global Literature on Dental Therapists: In the Context of the Movement to Add Dental Therapists to the Oral Health Workforce in the United States, indicates that serious consideration should be given to incorporating mid-level providers such as dental therapists into the dental health team.

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How Healthy Is Your County?

The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (a Burness client) released the 2012 County Health Rankings. The Rankings highlight the healthiest and least healthy counties in every state, as well as those factors that influence health outside of the doctor’s office

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Junk Food Is Widely Available in U.S. Schools—but New Standards Are Coming Soon

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced healthier new standards for school meals. Soon, students will find more fruits, vegetables and whole grains on their cafeteria trays, and these meals will be subject to stricter limits on calories and salt.

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Words Imitating Art

An animated video by the Center for American Progress shows the impact of of short animated videos to explain complex topics like the Affordable Care Act.

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