The Students Are Coming

In the DC metro area, high school students are sending a message to Congress that they won't back down on gun control.

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A Sobering Lens for What Should be a Joyous Time

This year’s County Health Rankings show that health gaps persist not only by place, but also by race and ethnicity. Birthweight is one example.

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A Generation of Social Activists

Across the country, teenagers are becoming catalysts for change.

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Using the “Ick” Factor to Go Beyond It

Hook them with eye worms: How one story can draw people in and open them up to issues that matter.

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Honoring Black History Month

Here are three resources we’re learning from and sharing this month.

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A Pioneer in Integrative Health

Dr. Wayne Jonas believes that integrative health is the path to healing for people with chronic conditions. Now he’s on a mission to tell the world.

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A Little Help for Moms Everywhere

Being a new mom is hard. The Global Gag Rule makes it much harder.

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Big Brains, Bigger Hearts

In the Siemens Competition, the nation's premier STEM research competition for high schoolers, students' passion to improve the world is what sets them apart.

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Big Bird Is Here to Help

Our favorite Sesame Street characters are helping children learn to cope with traumatic experiences.

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In Northern Virginia, a New Report Reveals Stark Disparities in Opportunity

Interspersed among some of the country's wealthiest communities are “islands of disadvantage.”

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