Africa’s First “Water Fund” Offers Hope for Nairobi Residents

The Tana River is critical to the Kenyan economy, serving 9.3 million people. It provides 95 percent of Nairobi’s water and half of Kenya’s hydropower-generated electricity. However, it is troubled by soil erosion and falling reserves, which translate into higher costs for utility companies and businesses at a time of rapidly rising water demand. Enter Africa's first-ever "Water Fund" led by The Nature Conservancy and the publication of the business case for the fund.

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Investments in Education Pay Health Dividends

Health care accounts for a vast proportion of the nation’s budget. As Medicaid and Medicare approach their 50th anniversary, such programs comprise over a fifth of all federal outlays. Amid these spiraling costs, policymakers are often pressured to limit spending on other areas, including education. But education and health are intrinsically linked – meaning investments in education are investments in health, and can potentially lower spending.

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A Wake-Up Call to Invest in Global Health R&D

The sudden outbreak of Ebola in West Africa last summer was widely and rightly perceived as awakening the rest of the world to a reality many health experts have long understood: infectious diseases that prey disproportionately on the poor are not just a problem for low-income countries. They are a threat to us all. And the world needs to be much better prepared for future challenges, which could involve Ebola or any of a number of other diseases.

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A Blueprint for Using Data to Improve Health

An explosion of self-monitoring devices and apps that passively track every move and breath we take has brought about an unparalleled opportunity to harness data to improve health. But according to a new report, the public’s concerns about privacy and other barriers to data sharing could halt progress.

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Ten Rules for a Kinder Workplace

Nearly 30 years ago, I created a company with me as the only employee. Since then, Burness has helped its clients protect the Amazon rainforest, fight hunger and childhood obesity, advocate for progressive health reform, promote agricultural research for African families, and showcase innovation in community colleges.

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Unlocking the Powerful Potential of Health Data

From new self-tracking devices to an interactive public data display, organizations are trying to figure out how we can make the best use of all this data to improve health on a large scale.

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What Makes an Excellent Community College?

On March 18, Florida’s Santa Fe College took home top honors when the Aspen Institute awarded its biennial $1 million Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s preeminent recognition of high achievement and performance in America’s community colleges.

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Where You Live Matters to Your Health

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin’s Population Health Institute released the 2015 County Health Rankings, which shows that where you live influences how well and how long you live. It compares 30 factors that communities have the ability to do something about – including education, jobs, violent crime, housing, diet and exercise.

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New Discovery Saves Seven-Layer Bean Dip from Extinction

The future was looking bleak for common beans, a nutrition-packed protein source that includes everything from navies to pink speckled kidneys. Climate models project that the heat-sensitive crop—enjoyed by billions, but depended on by 400 million in Latin America and Africa for their daily protein—will falter if global temperatures rise.

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Developing New TB Drugs Shouldn’t Be a Moonshot

Tuberculosis kills 1.5 million people every year. It is such a lethal disease that it requires patients to take a combination of four strong antibiotics for six months—18 months or more if the infection comes from a drug-resistant strain. The drugs involved in TB treatment are old, developed when Kennedy was president of the U.S.

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