Education and Skilled Workforce Posts
Grown-Ups Spell for Good

Burness competed in a grown-up spelling bee to raise money for the Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy. It was awesome. Here are the highlights.
Spotlight on a Local Partner: Edu-Futuro

Though our work takes us around the world, some of our favorite projects are a lot closer to home—in our own backyard, in fact. Educación Para Nuestro Futuro (Edu-Futuro), based in Arlington, VA, is a perfect example. Read on to learn about their work.
Our Creative Portfolio

Videos, graphics, gifs, Twitter, blog posts, websites – these days, there are so many ways to communicate beyond traditional media, and Burness does ‘em all. To showcase some of our recent creative work, we’ve put together a new creative portfolio.
Social Competence: Setting Kids Up to Succeed

This month, new research was published in the American Journal of Public Health with an important message: that a simple assessment of a child’s social competence can help to predict his or her health and social outcomes, well into adulthood.
School Is Out For Summer

Across the country, kids (and parents!) are celebrating the end of the school year. But should it be a break from learning? No. The so-called "summer slide" is real. Students typically lose two to three months in reading achievement and two months of math skills during the summer.
CollegeTracks Paves the Way for More Kids in Need

A small Maryland-based nonprofit, CollegeTracks, is helping low-income students in Montgomery County tackle the college admissions and financial aid process. This week CollegeTracks announced the expansion of its program to a third high school in the area. The move will provide hundreds more students with support.
Expanding the Pipeline of Skilled Workers
The White House hosted a summit focused on the need to “upskill” America’s workforce. More than 100 leading employers, who employ five million workers, made commitments to "upskill" their workers by expanding access to apprenticeships and on-the-job training in partnership with thirty national and local labor unions and non-profit groups.
What Are Your Kids Doing After 3 p.m.?

It’s 3 p.m. on a weekday and, like millions of moms and dads across America, you’re still at work. Where do your kids go when school lets out?
Investments in Education Pay Health Dividends

Health care accounts for a vast proportion of the nation’s budget. As Medicaid and Medicare approach their 50th anniversary, such programs comprise over a fifth of all federal outlays. Amid these spiraling costs, policymakers are often pressured to limit spending on other areas, including education. But education and health are intrinsically linked – meaning investments in education are investments in health, and can potentially lower spending.
When the White House Calls…

Last week, President Obama announced the launch of UpSkill America—a coalition of business, education, and workforce training organizations leading a movement to expand economic opportunity for American workers. As the economy continues to improve, many employers are struggling to find skilled workers to fill the jobs they have available.