Public Health Posts

Storytelling and the Gift of Trust

As a writer and storyteller, I’m grateful for the generosity of people who share their stories.

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Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Swaying

One of the biggest challenges for patients with Mal de Débarquement Syndrome (MdDS) is that many physicians have never heard of it. Our partner, the MdDS Foundation, is working to change that.

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A Health Lesson Before Moving

Burness intern Kai Curtis explains how the County Health Rankings urged him to look at sidewalks and San Diego in a new light.

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Will Congress see life as a pre-existing condition?

Cancer survivor and Burnesser Dan Klotz tells his healthcare story and explains what Obamacare means to him.

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Malaria: Not In My Backyard? Think Again.

A new study shows the impact of malaria in the United States.

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The Unexpected Force That’s Making Us Sick

Maine native Nick Seaver has noticed more of his friends talking about Lyme disease. What’s behind this trend?

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Discrimination Makes Me Sick — Literally

Harvard professor David Williams explores the connections between racism and health. His research suggests that discrimination takes a physical toll on African Americans.

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Do Something About Something: Making Progress in the Age of Trump

After the November election, Burnesser Adam Zimmerman felt powerless. So he did the only thing he could think of to make that feeling go away: started working for progress in his own community.

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For a Boost to Your Health, Vote on Election Day!

Research shows that voting is good for your health.

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Seven Communities Take on Timely Challenges in Health

Meet the winners of the 2016 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize!

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