Early Childhood Development Posts
What Are Your Kids Doing After 3 p.m.?

It’s 3 p.m. on a weekday and, like millions of moms and dads across America, you’re still at work. Where do your kids go when school lets out?
What Does Recess Have to Do With a Healthy School Day?

Last month, Playworks was invited to speak at a Department of Education briefing on the link between physical activity and school climate. Junior coaches also led ice breaker games for forum attendees to demonstrate the model hands on.
Improving Oral Health for Kids and Communities

Dental Health Aide Therapist (DHAT) Bonnie Johnson, from Emmonak, Alaska, travels around her community providing dental care to children and families in rural Alaska. Tribal leaders, dentists and community members explain how dental therapists like Bonnie have helped radically improve oral health in their villages while inspiring their community, once known for rampant tooth decay and poor oral health, to strive for a different, healthier future.
Conversations in Development: A Young Zambian Woman on the Value of Education

In Zambia, a country where only 21 percent of girls and 27 percent of boys attend high school, student Patricia Nanyangwe discusses her family, her aspirations and the critical role of education in her community. With the help of the African Education Program, a nonprofit founded by Burnesser Julie-Anne Savarit-Cosenza, Patricia and hundreds of other Zambian students are getting the support they need to excel in high school and beyond.
Documenting the Road to Recovery Using New Media
Dr. Elliot Krane, of the Lucille Packard Children's Hospital and Stanford University Medical School and a Mayday Pain & Society Fellow, has a goal to end children’s suffering from chronic pain. One of the biggest barriers to better care for kids in his pain clinic is the lack of coverage for the treatments that will make them well.
Live from the Federal Reserve: Healthy Communities Conference
Today at the Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C., a unique event is in progress: leaders from the health, finance and community development sectors are coming together to discuss how their collaboration could help build healthier communities.
A National Epidemic—and a Presidential Priority
Our nation is burdening Americans needlessly with disease— Americans who could be healthy if we tackled the factors that cause obesity: neighborhoods without spaces for physical activity, deficient access to healthy foods, high-calorie school lunches. It’s for this reason that the 42nd President called childhood obesity the “number one public health problem in the country”.