Learning the Subway Was Easy. Finding a New Doctor Was a Different Story.

Everyone deserves a doctor who puts their needs first. But good doctors can be hard to find.

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Burness Proudly Supports Freedom of the Press

Freedom of the press is a bedrock principle of democracy. Our work shows why each of us must do our part to protect it.

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Go On A Field Trip

Field trips shouldn't just be for kids. Sometimes it's necessary for us to step out of the office to really connect with and understand the issues we work on.

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It’s Time for Businesses to Step Up

Burness and other local businesses are fighting hunger in Montgomery County, Maryland. Join us.

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Burness Named Top Place to Work in DC

Burness made Washington Post's list of top places to work in the DC area! We sat down with HR and community engagement director Vanessa Bigelow to get her take on what makes Burness great.

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A Memorial for America’s Servicewomen

Thanks to the Women’s Memorial, the stories of America's servicewomen are being preserved—and told.

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The Curb Cut Effect: How A Fix For One Group Benefits Us All

The origins of the football huddle, impact of the GI bill, and the creation of modern-day sidewalk curbs have more in common than you think.

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We Need More Science for Breakfast

Do you know how much science went into that bacon strip on your breakfast plate? This month saw the launch of FedByScience, a coalition of 16 universities telling stories of success in solving problems in farming and food production.

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From the Streets of DC to the Halls of the Capitol

Four key insights into what drives action on Capitol Hill, from interviews with congressional staffers.

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Healing the Wounds of Slavery in Brazil

Brazil just legally recognized the largest Afro-descendent community in the country.

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