Our Partner Shut Down. Here’s Why We’re Smiling.

Typically, we’re pretty sad when our partners go out of business. But we were thrilled when the Meningitis Vaccine Project (MVP) announced its closing earlier this year. Why? Read on.

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Cuban innovations could save American lives. So why can’t we use them?

Our decades-long isolation from Cuba means Americans are missing out on Cuban innovations that could improve health and save lives in our own country, and vice versa.

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We’re Coming for You, Tuberculosis

Our partners at TB Alliance just announced the world’s first availability of TB medicines for children. They’re fruit-flavored (yum!) and easily dissolved in water. Read more and sign the petition asking world leaders to adopt these treatments to end childhood TB once and for all.

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Make Your Data Big with Code

Many of our digital audience engagement platforms provide excellent APIs (application programming interfaces), which make their data usable and changeable and even allow you to connect different services together with a bit of code. Here, we explain a sync we wrote for MailChimp and Eventbrite. We've also made the code freely available for you to use for your own projects.

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Want a Healthy Hometown? Move Here.

Cities around the US are catching on to the fact that health is shaped by more than just what happens in the doctor’s office. So to make sure that their citizens have opportunities to be healthy in every way, they’re doing some innovative things. If you want a hometown devoted to health in its broadest, most holistic sense, check out the eight Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize winners from 2015.

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Medium for Nonprofits, Explained

I’ve been using Medium personally and I’m blown away by the inspiring ideas that are shared each day — in stark contrast to the no-brain share-drivel that occupies our feeds. I’ve also helped my nonprofit clients use Medium effectively over the last couple years, so I wanted to share some guidance if you’re thinking about jumping in.

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What Happens When Antibiotics Stop Working?

To help reduce the chances of contracting a life-threatening infection during or after surgery, many patients are given antibiotics. But the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, called “superbugs,” threatens to create a world where preventive antibiotics are far less effective, and even the most common or low-risk procedures are more dangerous.

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A $100 Million Investment to Unlock the Mysteries of the Brain

Virtually every one of us has had a family member or friend who has been affected by Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, depression or a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The costs of these—and hundreds of other conditions affecting the brain—are enormous in terms human suffering and economics. What makes these conditions even more challenging is that, until recently, treatment has been little more than a guessing game. We fundamentally have not understood the brain, why things go wrong, or what to do to prevent and treat these disorders.

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Bipartisan Science

There is so much research that has the potential to influence our lives for the better, and there is plenty of evidence that the journey between academic publication and actual policy change can take place independent of political ideology. This is important and good news in our polarized nation today.

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Nurses on the Frontlines of Care and Innovation

If you’ve ever been a patient in a hospital or visited someone who was, you probably remember the nurse. Why? Because that nurse was there at the bedside day in and day out, making sure you or your loved one was comfortable and being taken care of.

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