Our Creative Portfolio

Videos, graphics, gifs, Twitter, blog posts, websites – these days, there are so many ways to communicate beyond traditional media, and Burness does ‘em all. To showcase some of our recent creative work, we’ve put together a new creative portfolio.

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Ending the Drought in Agriculture Research Funding

In the 1940s, almost 40 percent of the U.S. government’s research budget was focused on agriculture. Today, only two percent is. This decrease is not just an issue for farmers; it’s dangerous for all of us who depend on agriculture to put food on the table.

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Unexpected Climate Heroes Fêted in Paris

Known as the “Academy Awards for Sustainable Development,” the high-profile Equator Prize ceremony awards indigenous and local communities worldwide who have made major strides against climate change in their own backyards. Hosted by actor and activist Alec Baldwin, this year’s event packed Paris' Théâtre Mogador with 1,500 people, including over 50 journalists.

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All About Forests and Farms at the Climate Talks

In the midst of the United Nations climate change conference in Paris, hundreds of leaders gathered for the Global Landscapes Forum, a major side event focused on the role that farms and forests play in causing and preventing the changing climate.

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For the first time in history, a climate agreement, signed in Paris, commits nearly every country in the world to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And forest loss, which contributes about 11 percent of global emissions, was a central focus of the discussions.

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Indigenous Peoples ‘Paddle to Paris’ for COP21

Hundreds of indigenous peoples from the major tropical forest regions of Latin America, Africa and Indonesia traveled to Paris for COP21, hoping to be heard above the cacophony of voices shaping the long-awaited climate agreement.

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Can We Chop Deforestation in Half?

Halving deforestation would result in the storage of 1.135 billion tons of carbon. A new study provides evidence that it can be done if forest nations follow the lead set by Brazil.

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Does Money Stress You Out? You’re Not Alone.

Finances are a struggle for Americans – and not just the poor. In fact, more than half of Americans — 57 percent — are considered financially unhealthy. Our partners at the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) are working to change that.

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What Makes a Good Year?

When you work at a place that tells people's stories in order to create social change, a good year means making meaningful strides toward a better, more equitable world. Burnessers reflect on the year gone by and the good times to come.

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What Happens When Cartoonists Get Serious

Kenyan cartoonists are getting serious about putting an end to land grabs. Read on to learn (and see!) how they're doing it.

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