A “Grandparent-Approved” PSA

To convince older audiences to get the shingles vaccine, our partners at the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases knew they would need to create something that would grab grandparents’ attention.

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Nonprofit Guide to the 2016 Internet

Across digital platforms, recent small improvements mean big things for nonprofits. Whether you care about websites, media, design, social, or video, there’s a little something in this post for everyone .

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Indigenous Communities Bring Mahogany Back

What happens when a government turns over forest conservation efforts to the people who live off the resources the forest provides?

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US Aid for Peace in Colombia Sounds Like a Good Idea, But Here’s What’s Missing

President Obama announced that he would ask for $450 million in aid to help Colombia end "half a century of wrenching conflict" and usher in a peaceful era. This sounds like good news, but notably absent from the commitment was any mention of those hardest hit by the country's 50-year war.

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Death Rates for Middle-Aged White Americans Should Be Falling, So Why Aren’t They?

In the United States, we’ve grown to expect that as time goes on, people get healthier—life expectancy rises, fewer people die of preventable or treatable conditions, and so on. But a recent report from the Commonwealth Fund found that this is no longer the case for middle-aged white people—and the reason might surprise you.

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“That’s When Things Started to Change”

For every great societal challenge, there is a moment when we look back and say, “That’s when things started to change.” For our nation’s oral health crisis, that moment is now.

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WARNING: That Drink Contributes to Type 2 Diabetes

Do warning labels on sugary drinks (e.g., soda, energy drinks, and fruit drinks like Capri Sun and SunnyD) deter parents from buying them for their kids? Researchers have been investigating that question, and the results are in.

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Evidence-Based or Advocacy Communications?

“How do we stay true to scientific rigour while communicating scientific results in ways that help influence publics and create big impacts?” Science communicator Susan MacMillan of the International Livestock Research Institute explored this question in a recent opinion piece, which is discussed and linked to in this post.

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Spotlight on a Local Partner: Edu-Futuro

Though our work takes us around the world, some of our favorite projects are a lot closer to home—in our own backyard, in fact. Educación Para Nuestro Futuro (Edu-Futuro), based in Arlington, VA, is a perfect example. Read on to learn about their work.

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How Prepared Is Your State for an Outbreak?

According to a leading voice in public health, the answer to that question is “not as prepared as it should be,” no matter where you live. And some states are significantly less prepared than others.

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