Global Posts
A New Roadmap for Agricultural Research
“Today, 1.4 billion people around the world live in extreme poverty. Many of them are women and children. Most of them are farmers.” That’s World Bank President Robert Zoellick in a video address to the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD), an unprecedented gathering in Montpellier, France that brought together researchers, policymakers, farmers, donors, and members of civil society from every region of the world.
En Solidaridad
When a devastating 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck Chile two weeks ago over 60 people packed Valparaiso Eterno for a fundraiser that yielded more than $5,000 for the Red Cross International Relief Fund, counting contributions from those who couldn’t attend.
Don’t Just “Hang on for the Ride”
Today, alongside the new Burness Communications website, we’re launching our new Health & Science Advocacy blog, Above the Noise: Being Heard, Becoming Memorable. The name reflects the overarching mission of the Burness Institute: to help researchers, health experts and other leaders become memorable in a cacophony of competing voices and priorities.