Here’s Why Our Relationship with Cuba Matters

The fruits of Cuba’s biotechnology industry remain off-limits to Americans, and vice versa. We need improved cooperation in health so that life-saving innovations in each country are made available to the other.

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Taking a Stand For Oral Health In Indian Country

“What this really looks like is a 3-year old with all of their teeth decayed down to the gum line.” That’s Terry Batliner, a dentist, and member of the Cherokee Nation, describing the state of oral health care in Indian Country to Marketplace’s Dan Gorenstein. Read on for the whole story.

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Getting Smart about Medical Research

A landmark study of Parkinson's disease was just released. Researchers tracked the disease's progression in 9,500 patients—without ever seeing a single one of them in person.

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Do I Believe in Climate Change? Well, It Depends on What You Want Me to Do About It.

A study found that a scientific finding’s practical implications and solutions – not just the underlying facts – influence people’s likelihood of believing the science itself. This has huge implications for communications professionals.

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Not For Sale: Indigenous Peoples Protect Their Lands—Sometimes with their Lives

There are few people who would refuse to sell their home—if the price were right. So investors might assume that money would mollify indigenous and other rural peoples whose land is wanted for gold mining, oil, timber or other extractive projects. But new findings released last month in London by the Rights and Resources Initiative and by TMP Systems revealed the opposite.

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Web Design Trends We’re Pumped About

Websites are at the center of digital communication, so it's important to make sure yours is up to par. In this post, Burness senior designer Charlie Church explains some of the recent trends we’ve seen in web design. We're pumped about them, and we hope you are, too!

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Burness Mourns Killing of Indigenous Activist Berta Cáceres

We are saddened and outraged by the assassination of Berta Cáceres, Indigenous and environmental rights activist from Honduras. She was and is an inspiration to all of us.

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The Flint Water Crisis and the Power of Truth

At a recent gathering of people who use strategic communications to drive social change, investigative journalist Curt Guyette told the incredible story of how he uncovered and reported the Flint water crisis. His lesson? Truth is power.

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Need Inspiration? Try Improv.

The Burness Global team recently took an improv class, and they learned some handy tips that can apply to anyone's work. Read on to learn more!

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Senate Balancing Act: Proper Use and Deadly Misuse of Opioids

In times of partisan vitriol and gridlock, it’s rare to see Congress rally together to try and address a complicated public health problem. But that’s exactly what they did at a hearing on opioid use among seniors last week. And we were thrilled to be there.

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