If You Care About Children’s Health, We’ve Got Good News

From Colorado to Cherokee County, South Carolina, several places have seen declining childhood obesity rates. Each community has a unique story. But there are some common themes.

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#ZombieDilemma: Humor Can Backfire in a Public Health Campaign

Humor has been used for years in public health communication campaigns. These campaigns might garner attention, but how effective are they at driving behavior change?

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Four Questions with Saburi Chirimi

Saburi Chirimi has been advancing social change from our Nairobi office since 2014. In this interview, Julie Mankowski explores the projects Saburi works on, the impact they have, and why she calls her bike “Chuck Norris.”

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A Living Reminder: Planning a Maternal Health Event While Pregnant

Marianna Sachse helped plan a maternal health event while pregnant. Here's what she learned.

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What if Defending Your Home Got You Killed?

In 2015, a hidden war claimed the lives of more than three people each week, according to a new report by NGO Global Witness. The cause of this war: land.

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The Attack in Orlando Made Me Rethink The Borders of Our Community

In the wake of the attacks in Orlando, Nick Seaver reflects on the amazing progress made in where LGBTQ people feel safe in society, and the reminder that it's not true for all in the LGBTQ community.

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Want to Solve Appalachia’s Problems? Listen to Those Who Live There.

The best ideas to close health gaps in Appalachia come from those who live in the region. We attended the SOAR Innovation Summit in Pikesville, Kentucky, where lots of these local solutions were on display.

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A Surge in Federal Support of Agricultural Research Is Needed Now

Growth in US agricultural production has leveled off, and agricultural research budgets have been mostly flat for decades. Meanwhile, China’s production has increased dramatically, supported by a tripling of the government’s investment in agricultural research. A new report shows that it is time once again to grow more solutions on US soil.

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Five Years of the Karel Fellowship

Five years after the launch of the Karel Fellowship in Public Interest Communications, Andy Burness reflects on the state of the fellowship, the continued need for diversity in our field and how Frank would've felt about the incoming class of fellows.

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Attention, Public Health Wonks – and Parents!

The Food and Drug Administration recently made two major announcements that will affect everyone who buys food in the US. Sara Brinda interviewed Burnesser Elizabeth Wenk about the news.

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