Posts by Jaclyn De Bonis

Max Vogel-Freedman Reflects on Community Engagement

In this interview with Burness intern Max Vogel-Freedman, Burnessers Jaclyn De Bonis and Lowell Dempsey explore Max's passion for volunteering and why he thinks everyone should get involved in their community.

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Taking Out the Guess Work: How, What and When to Feed Your Baby

A new guide from Healthy Eating Research can help new parents keep their babies healthy.

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#HurricaneMatthew is Now Live

Native Floridian Jacki De Bonis has lived through several hurricanes. Here she reflects on how Facebook Live transformed the experience during Hurricane Matthew.

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#ZombieDilemma: Humor Can Backfire in a Public Health Campaign

Humor has been used for years in public health communication campaigns. These campaigns might garner attention, but how effective are they at driving behavior change?

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