Posts by Matt Gruenburg

Big Bird Is Here to Help

Our favorite Sesame Street characters are helping children learn to cope with traumatic experiences.

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School Meals Are Healthier―and Kids’ Reactions Might Surprise You

This fall will mark the start of the fourth school year in which schools are using updated nutrition standards for school meals. Because the standards have been in place for a few years now, we’re starting to get research results about its progress. The verdict? Lots of good news.

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Signs of Progress Toward Reversing the Childhood Obesity Epidemic

On July 9, more than 250 people gathered in the gym of the National Capital Y in Washington, D.C., to hear from leaders representing four states and five cities or counties recording declines in their childhood obesity rates.

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Early Declines in Childhood Obesity Rates May Propel the National Movement

For thirty years, childhood obesity rates have been on the rise. Nearly one in three young people in the U.S. is overweight or obese. But The New York Times reported some encouraging news: childhood obesity rates are dropping in some cities and states.

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Exposing Fast Food Marketing Practices

The Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity released the most comprehensive study ever conducted on fast-food nutrition and marketing to children. The findings? Fast-food companies provide largely unhealthy side dishes and drinks as the default options with kids’ meals, and advertise to children as young as 2 across a variety of media.

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A National Epidemic—and a Presidential Priority

Our nation is burdening Americans needlessly with disease— Americans who could be healthy if we tackled the factors that cause obesity: neighborhoods without spaces for physical activity, deficient access to healthy foods, high-calorie school lunches. It’s for this reason that the 42nd President called childhood obesity the “number one public health problem in the country”.

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