Posts by Miles Sedgwick

The Fastest Scale-Up of a Childhood Vaccine, Ever

There is a virus that infects almost every single child in the world by the age of 5—in every country, rich and poor. It affects the stomach and intestines, causing severe diarrhea and vomiting. We have safe and effective vaccines for this virus. And yet, hundreds of thousands of children die each year, and the virus hospitalizes millions more.

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Writing for the Web in Ethiopia

Over the past two years, we have had the honor of working with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health’s Public Relations and Communication Directorate (PRCD). One project we worked on together, after redesigning their website—was a workshop on writing effectively for the web.

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Conversations in Development: Indigenous Women in Latin America

Across Latin America, indigenous communities are on frontlines of an ongoing battle, fighting to protect their culture and livelihoods from companies and governments hungry for land and resources. As guardians of the forest and preservers of indigenous culture, indigenous women play a key role in keeping their communities safe and thriving.

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Join Us in Signing the CEO Pledge to End Travel Restrictions for People Living with HIV

Did you know that 45 countries around the world impose travel restrictions on people who are HIV positive? Andy Burness, president of Burness Communications, has joined a group of CEOs from companies such as GBCHealth, UNAIDS, and Levi Strauss & Co. who oppose restrictions on the freedom of movement for people living with HIV.

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