Posts by Bridget DeSimone

A Memorial for America’s Servicewomen

Thanks to the Women’s Memorial, the stories of America's servicewomen are being preserved—and told.

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Using the “Ick” Factor to Go Beyond It

Hook them with eye worms: How one story can draw people in and open them up to issues that matter.

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Top Colleges Unite to Enroll and Graduate More Talented Low-Income Students

Every year, thousands of high-achieving, lower-income students don’t apply to or enroll in college. 50 top colleges and universities are joining forces to change that.

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Common Enemy, Malaria, Brings Myanmar Together

A common foe led to an extraordinary summit this week in Washington, D.C. An array of high-ranking Myanmar government officials and ethnic minority and opposition groups from the Southeast Asian nation, who have been locked in violent conflict for nearly six decades, put aside their differences momentarily to join forces against a mutual enemy carried by a tiny mosquito: Malaria.

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Barracuda’s Revenge

The threat from a barracuda’s ugly, sharp-toothed grimace is enough to make divers quake in their flippers. But danger lurks even after the reef fish is hooked and cooked up for a meal. Barracuda and other popular sport fish including grouper, amberjack and hogfish are a source of ciguatera poisoning—the most common form of fish-related food poisoning in the world and is sickening many more people in Florida than previously reported.

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CollegeTracks Paves the Way for More Kids in Need

A small Maryland-based nonprofit, CollegeTracks, is helping low-income students in Montgomery County tackle the college admissions and financial aid process. This week CollegeTracks announced the expansion of its program to a third high school in the area. The move will provide hundreds more students with support.

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Expanding the Pipeline of Skilled Workers

The White House hosted a summit focused on the need to “upskill” America’s workforce. More than 100 leading employers, who employ five million workers, made commitments to "upskill" their workers by expanding access to apprenticeships and on-the-job training in partnership with thirty national and local labor unions and non-profit groups.

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What Makes an Excellent Community College?

On March 18, Florida’s Santa Fe College took home top honors when the Aspen Institute awarded its biennial $1 million Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s preeminent recognition of high achievement and performance in America’s community colleges.

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When the White House Calls…

Last week, President Obama announced the launch of UpSkill America—a coalition of business, education, and workforce training organizations leading a movement to expand economic opportunity for American workers. As the economy continues to improve, many employers are struggling to find skilled workers to fill the jobs they have available.

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Francis Collins, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways.

I’d like to take a moment to pay homage to an expert communicator whose clear explanation and skilled delivery makes my heart skip a beat every time I see him interviewed. I am talking about Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health. Take note – if you do half as well as Dr. Collins on staying on message, you’ll likely nail your interview.

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