Posts by Jacqueline Bond

2016 County Health Rankings Spotlight Rural Health Concerns and More

Where you live matters to your health, and the 2016 County Health Rankings put a spotlight on the fact that not everyone has the same opportunity to be healthy.

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The Flint Water Crisis and the Power of Truth

At a recent gathering of people who use strategic communications to drive social change, investigative journalist Curt Guyette told the incredible story of how he uncovered and reported the Flint water crisis. His lesson? Truth is power.

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A “Grandparent-Approved” PSA

To convince older audiences to get the shingles vaccine, our partners at the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases knew they would need to create something that would grab grandparents’ attention.

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What Do Drought, Ice Cream and Bird Flu Have in Common?

The U.S. agriculture sector faces many problems these days. Take the ongoing California drought that threatens more than one-third of our country’s vegetables and two-thirds of our fruits. Or have you eaten Blue Bell ice cream recently? Blue Bell recalled ALL of its ice cream products because of Listeria contamination, causing three deaths and 10 hospitalizations. Or check out the avian flu, which killed more than 48 million chickens and cost the USDA more than $500 million since mid-December.

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Where You Live Matters to Your Health

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin’s Population Health Institute released the 2015 County Health Rankings, which shows that where you live influences how well and how long you live. It compares 30 factors that communities have the ability to do something about – including education, jobs, violent crime, housing, diet and exercise.

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Lending a Hand in Our Own Backyard

This past weekend, Burness teamed up with the Capital Area Food Bank (CAFB) to deliver fresh produce to a DC neighborhood with high rates of food insecurity through its Community Marketplace program. It was a great opportunity for us to come together outside of the office and give back to our own community.

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