Posts by Kay Campbell

The Power of Placebos: Using Our Brains to Help Us Heal

Imagine if we could somehow trigger the brain to release endorphins, dopamine and other neurotransmitters to help relieve pain, depression and other health problems. It turns out that scientists and health care providers have already started doing this. It’s called the “placebo effect.”

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New Report: Doctors’ Participation in Interrogation and Torture in U.S. Detention Centers

a new report from the Institute on Medicine as a Profession (IMAP) says that military doctors and psychologists have let national security interests trump ethical standards, leading them to design, enable and engage in torture of detainees in U.S. military detention centers.

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How Healthy Is Northern Virginia?

A new report from the Northern Virginia Health Foundation (a Burness client) tells us that residents of Northern Virginia may not be as healthy as you think.

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An American Epidemic—and Momentum to End It

Today, there is broad agreement: childhood obesity is a public health epidemic. One in three American children is now overweight or obese.

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