Video Production Posts

Storytelling and the Gift of Trust

As a writer and storyteller, I’m grateful for the generosity of people who share their stories.

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Creative Work Round-up

The Burness Creative team has had a busy first half of 2017. Here’s a highlight reel of our work so far this year.

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Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Swaying

One of the biggest challenges for patients with Mal de Débarquement Syndrome (MdDS) is that many physicians have never heard of it. Our partner, the MdDS Foundation, is working to change that.

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Grown-Ups Spell for Good

Burness competed in a grown-up spelling bee to raise money for the Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy. It was awesome. Here are the highlights.

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If Your Work Is Serious, It Doesn’t Mean Your Communications Has to Be

When the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) asked us to help explain their “value-based approach to drug pricing” in a video, we knew we’d have to get creative to make their work relatable.

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From Homelessness to Home

Mr. Ford is an army veteran who, after being homeless for more than a decade, recently moved into his first apartment. We worked with the Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network to help tell his story.

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A “Grandparent-Approved” PSA

To convince older audiences to get the shingles vaccine, our partners at the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases knew they would need to create something that would grab grandparents’ attention.

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Our Creative Portfolio

Videos, graphics, gifs, Twitter, blog posts, websites – these days, there are so many ways to communicate beyond traditional media, and Burness does ‘em all. To showcase some of our recent creative work, we’ve put together a new creative portfolio.

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Does Money Stress You Out? You’re Not Alone.

Finances are a struggle for Americans – and not just the poor. In fact, more than half of Americans — 57 percent — are considered financially unhealthy. Our partners at the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) are working to change that.

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Social Media: It Doesn’t Have to Hurt

Chambers orchestrated a major event on Monday, Sept. 21st, in Halifax, Nova Scotia that was webcast worldwide to launch this year-long experiment and to encourage a discussion about social media, science and health. Go to the Storify to see the conversation that unfolded on Twitter. I was lucky enough to be there to moderate this discussion with those in the room and from around the world online—from Australia, South Africa, Qatar and Ireland, to name a few.

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