Training Workshops Posts

It Started in a Dusty Basement, Next to a 300-Pound Fish Fossil

Once an aspiring paleontologist, Burnesser Carol Schadelbauer reflects on how an internship at the Cleveland Natural History Museum led her to her true passion: helping scientists talk about their work so that others understand and care.

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Meet Nine People About to Change the World

Meet the 2016 Karel Fellows! These outstanding students are committed to creating positive change in the world and will spend a summer interning with some of DC's best nonprofits.

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For the first time in history, a climate agreement, signed in Paris, commits nearly every country in the world to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And forest loss, which contributes about 11 percent of global emissions, was a central focus of the discussions.

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Social Media: It Doesn’t Have to Hurt

Chambers orchestrated a major event on Monday, Sept. 21st, in Halifax, Nova Scotia that was webcast worldwide to launch this year-long experiment and to encourage a discussion about social media, science and health. Go to the Storify to see the conversation that unfolded on Twitter. I was lucky enough to be there to moderate this discussion with those in the room and from around the world online—from Australia, South Africa, Qatar and Ireland, to name a few.

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Brazil’s Women Warriors Face New Challenge in Battle for Babassu Palm

Thirty years ago, the enemy was much easier to recognize and much easier to fight, says Dona Beliza Costa Souza, member of a union representing 350,000 rural women in northern and northeastern Brazil, who battle to protect the ubiquitous babassu palm trees that grow wild throughout the region.

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In or Out of an Elevator, Have Your Message

The “elevator pitch” term is well-known among people we train at Burness and tossed around with a somewhat sarcastic tone. “Yeah, I know I’m supposed to do this, but nothing can be said in 30 seconds,” some say.

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What Are Your Kids Doing After 3 p.m.?

It’s 3 p.m. on a weekday and, like millions of moms and dads across America, you’re still at work. Where do your kids go when school lets out?

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Scientists Share Tyler Prize for Protecting Forests and Oceans

Jane Lubchenco and Madhav Gadgil, scientists working on land and in oceans, have spent their careers identifying solutions that protect our planet’s biodiversity and some of our most at-risk environments. They are this year's Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement laureates.

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Important Perspectives in Development

The 2015 Aspen New Voices Fellows are off to a great start getting their voices out there! The development experts from across Africa and Asia bring fresh perspective to the global development dialogue.

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Writing for the Web in Ethiopia

Over the past two years, we have had the honor of working with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health’s Public Relations and Communication Directorate (PRCD). One project we worked on together, after redesigning their website—was a workshop on writing effectively for the web.

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