Moving Knowledge, Not Patients with Project ECHO

Despite expansions in health coverage, millions of Americans struggle to get access to the right care at the right time in the right place. The problem is most serious in rural and underserved communities, where it’s extremely difficult to recruit and retain both primary and specialty care providers. The problem is not just national; it’s global.

Leveraging technology, Project ECHO links community providers with specialist mentors to equip them with the skills they need to provide specialty care across a range of diseases and conditions. No longer do patients have to travel hours to see a specialist; instead, they get the care they need, when they need it, and community clinicians gain new skills while becoming part of a global learning community.

While Project ECHO holds great potential, its model can be difficult to communicate. Burness created a short, succinct video to make it easier for audiences to understand Project ECHO’s impact. Using animated graphics and a simple script, the video illustrates how the ECHO model works and how it “force multiplies” access to care.

The video serves as a helpful explainer for policymakers, health experts, and funders interested in the ECHO model. It has since been screened in presentations, panels, briefings and conference exhibits to demonstrate the power of Project ECHO to revolutionize health care access and community health.