30 Years Later, We’re Just Getting Started

April 1, 2016


Andy 30th verticalIn 1986, approximately 0% of people globally used the internet. Burness had no website. The majority of Americans didn’t know childhood obesity was a problem, and the world wasn’t all that worried about climate change. Remote working was an absurd concept. “TED talks” was just a sentence with a noun and a verb. Millennials hadn’t disrupted anything but their parents’ sleep cycles. Andy was the lone Burnesser. And he had hair. 

A lot has changed in 30 years.

But a lot hasn’t. People like you are still working tirelessly to make the world a better and fairer place. Burness is still committed to giving voice to your ideas. And all of us are still impatient for action—for impact sooner than later—to confront poverty, improve health and education and protect the environment.

So on our 30th birthday, we’re celebrating you—the constants in our lives. We are so grateful to all of you for being our partners. Here’s a 30-second gift, from us to you.


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